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If you are in Nigeria and interested in shopping or buying things online, don't waste your time or energy by shopping on foreign websites when you can simply shop locally and get a quick delivery. Yes, there are now a lot of online shopping sites in Nigeria but I'm only going to list some of them here.

I have to admit that although you may also be able to shop on any website you want globally as a Nigerian, it can be hard doing so since you'd have to face issues like custom duties, delayed deliveries and sourcing for foreign currency. With local online shopping in Nigeria, you are assured of a reliable and efficient shopping experience and you'd be able pay in Naira too.

About 5 years ago, local online shopping in Nigeria was a thing almost unheard of but now, it's becoming more of a common thing such that people who now still go out to shop physically are sort of seen as old school. Most young Nigerians are already doing their shopping on the internet. They buy the things they want and have it delivered to them as often as they want.

The growing number of online shopping sites in Nigeria is already making the market a bit competitive and this helps in providing more benefits to the customers. Nowadays, we'd hear of Shopping website A competing with Shopping website B by raising funds and investing billions of Naira in Nigeria's online shopping industry and one begins to wonder why we have to bother about going to queue up at shopping malls nowadays. Online shopping sites in Nigeria have a lot of listed products selling at reasonably low prices such that it defeats the old system of negotiating or bargaining for high prices at old Nigerian markets. Yes, prices for online shopping sites are now fixed and hardly ever rise but instead crash during promos and clearance periods.

It seems that there is a growing trend among Nigerians lately such that people who now go out to buy stuff physically only do that for things like Groceries and provisions from supermarkets or foodstuff markets but even in that niche, there already are a growing number of online supermarkets and grocery websites in Nigeria. More and more Nigerians are now buying things like clothes, shoes, books, computers, electronics, groceries, food and furniture on the internet by making use of online shopping sites.

It's very hard to think of what product or service one cannot buy online in Nigeria nowadays. Do you need a new mobile phone, laptop, Television, generator, light bulbs, car parts, electric fan or even Refrigerator? Well, all those things I've mentioned already have been listed by several online shopping sites in Nigeria and the good thing is that you can check them out and compare their offers before making a buy decision.

Most Nigerians who have been used to old school shopping would know that it can be hard driving from stores like Cash n Carry to Leventis of those days or from Yaba to Balogun just to visit several markets or boutiques just to buy clothes, shoes or electronics. You could imagine the traffic, fuel consumed and time used up. Besides, most Nigeria old school shoppers tend to only shop on Saturdays or during holidays since they have to work on other days. With online shopping sites in Nigeria coming into the picture, one can easily shop for things at his home or office and on any day of the week too.

Online shopping in Nigeria helps hardworking busy people, students or even sit at home parents to buy the things they want without having to over-stress themselves out just by doing shopping. I'm thinking it actually favours women more than men since it's the women that do most of the shopping.

Personally, one of the things I hate about shopping at local markets and even supermarkets or shopping malls is the queue and so it's one of the reason why I often time abandon my shopping cart or just avoid shopping for some other day. With online shopping, one doesn't have to waste his life standing on a queue because you can simply have them deliver to you at a time of your choosing and you don't even have to pay any money forward if you don't opt to.

Online shopping sites in Nigeria that I recommend:
Quickteller: It is like the number one destination for making online payment for lots of bills in Nigeria. Quickteller helps Nigerians to settle their bills for services conveniently such as for airtime recharge, electricity, cable tv, money transfer and so on. One just needs to at least have a Quickteller account, a bank issued card and Safetoken to start using Quickteller for making payments. It is an Interswitch powered site.

EasyAppetite, CityChops and HelloFood: If you are hungry and need food, just check them out and they deliver same day, at a particular time interval or at any other time you choose. They mostly deliver your food same day and it's good to order early so it gets delivered on time. They work closely with local restaurants in your area so as to be able to bring your food while it's still hot and in time too. They accept payment on delivery as well as advance payments.

Konga: A preferred online shopping destination for most Nigerians. Konga is one of the few sites that are home grown and they do have a wide variety of stuff which they sell. You can call them the complete package when it comes to shopping online. You could be at home or at your business and you'd be able to buy a lot of stuff from Konga without going out. They sell things like fashion items, mobile phones, computers, furniture, drinks, baby items, mobile recharge and so on. They can deliver to your home or office too and you can pay cash on delivery.

Jumia Nigeria: The cool place to be when you want to shop for a whole lot of stuff. I've checked a lot of other shopping websites and it seems Jumia has the largest products. They sell things from clothes, shoes, books, electronics and beauty products. It is a smart place to check out when doing online shopping in Nigeria. They offer a delivery service too.

DealDey: Love to shop online but save money while taking advantage of deals and promos? Well, Dealdey is the place to go to. They are unlike other shopping websites since they care more about your interests. They sell a lot of stuff called deals which you should take advantage of while they are active. They offer a delivery service as well as the option of customers doing a pickup themselves.

Supermart: Do you want to buy things from the Supermarket but without having to go out? Well this website should be the number one place where you can buy all your stuff. Supermarket sells a lot of stuff such as packaged food, drinks, powdered milk, drugs and so on. You could save money while shopping here than actually visiting that Supermarket directly.

Those are the ones I recommend for now.

Posted by on Tuesday September 23, 2014 at 12:54:37:

Re: Recommended Online shopping websites in Nigeria Reply by Mr Nani Marcus on Tuesday December 2, 2014 at 9:0:45:

We sell all kinds of smart phones. Direct uk high grade used and new smart phones are available in stock. Comes with complete accessories inclusive with free delivery and warranty of twelve months.

Mr Nani Marcus


Re: Recommended Online shopping websites in Nigeria Reply by Jidenna on Sunday November 29, 2015 at 14:25:51:

Have you heard about Yudala.com? You can shop online and offline as they do have a physical store too apart from their website.

Re: Recommended Online shopping websites in Nigeria Reply by Uc nepa on Tuesday December 8, 2015 at 3:19:53:

God i dey your hand please daeth one are not priasing u