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Are there any gift items that are 100% locally made in Nigeria? Well, it's time to show someone how much you love them.

It's getting nearer to Valentine's day and it's normally a day that falls on February 14 during which people use to mark as a special day for showing love to their friends. It's a day that is popular in Nigeria and people use it to exchange gifts with people that they love.

I've noticed that most of the gifts people normally buy for their loved ones are not exactly products made in Nigeria. People tend to buy things like designer clothes, Italian shoes, Victoria Secret wears, perfumes, greeting cards, chocolate bars and so on but most of those things are not exactly locally made products. Does it mean that we don't have other gifts we can give to people we love that are made in Nigeria? I think not. We Nigerians do have a long history of gift giving and have a way of showing love to other people.

I've been trying to put down a list of some lovely gift items that are a bit more Nigerian and would like to share some of them in this place:

Give a Life animal: e.g. Fowl, goat or Ram. Nothing beats giving someone you love a life animal to keep as a pet or for a meal. Give a Nigerian lady a live catfish and you'd eat it with her. Same goes for a live fowl. It's not a bad gift idea.

Give Food or foodstuffs: There are many of them that you can buy for the one you love. You can buy yams, tomatoes or even ready made food that is Nigerian and not imported. You should only give raw foodstuff to someone you know that likes cooking their food rather than one who doesn't know how to cook.

Send a handwritten Letter from you: Ok, don't go ahead and start sending them an email or text message. Write them a letter in your own handwriting and send it with an envelope that is also made in Nigeria. You may hand deliver it to them or send it through NIPOST before the D-day. It connects you to the person in such a way that they'd feel that you at least care for them.

Go out for a public event: It has to be one that is totally Nigerian such as a wedding, party or movie watching featuring Nigerian movies.

Go for sight seeing: In Nigeria, there are definitely many good sights to see and you can do this with your love ones by just spending the day visiting several places just for sight-seeing.

Eat together: Yes, just enjoy a Nigerian meal together and on the same plate or table if possible. If you've been eating separately from your loved one, this is the time to eat together just as it's normal in a Nigerian family.

Buy a drink: It could be alcoholic or non alcoholic and there are many brands to choose from that are made in Nigeria. You can buy a drink from Guinness or Coca Cola as they all operate in Nigeria.

Hire a Tricycle: Nowadays, there are many tricycles in Nigeria and you can easily hire one exclusively for you and that person you love. You could take a trip around town together for a few hours or for anywhere he/she might want to go.

Eat Nigerian meals at a local restaurant: You can also decide to eat out at a local restaurant and eat something unusual from what you normally eat.

I don try small. What other 100% Nigerian Valentine gifts do you know that someone can give?

Posted by on Monday February 9, 2015 at 15:46:30:

Re: Any made in Nigeria Valentine gifts? Reply by Chiedu on Sunday May 3, 2015 at 18:25:51:

You can give a live animal as a gift.Nothing beats a living gift. You can either buy a live cock or chicken.