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Being a king of a particular environment makes one to have absolute power over that place and that person can make laws without being challenged but rather fully obeyed. A king of a place has the authority to govern that place and he doesn't need to appeal to any particular group of people within his kingdom.

I know there are some royal kings in Nigeria but based on my experience, they are mostly regarded as ceremonial kings who don't have power more than the government. They can't make laws or execute people as their powers are subject to the government. A true king with absolute power over Nigeria would not be subject to any form of government and that's the kind of kingship I'm talking about.

There are several things I find wrong in Nigeria and I feel that it would only be easier to solve by a person who has the powers of a king.

If I was king of Nigeria, here are a list of some things I would want to do:

1. I would ban the importation of several things especially food items like rice and beans. When those things can be grown in Nigeria, it makes no sense to import it else we want people to be lazy and jobless.

2. I would ban homosexuality in Nigeria. I mean, If everyone in Nigeria was a homosexual, then we would no longer have babies. If we did, it would no longer be natural. Besides, it's not something that is considered morally upright for our society.

3. I would ban the importation of finished clothes since they can be made in Nigeria.

4. I would ban the importation of human hair and nails because our women can still look beautiful without them.

5. I would ban people from wearing indecent clothes in public.

6. I would make laws that encourage more people to go into farming.

7. I would ensure every citizen pays tax relative to their level of income.

8. Old and disabled people will receive some form of social benefits periodically.

9. Prostitution and adultery will be considered a crime.

10. I will support the growth of solar power usage in Nigeria.

If only I was king of Nigeria, I will do a lot without having to wait for the Senate or Reps to approve my budget because there will be no need for an expensive National House of Assembly.

Posted by on Wednesday September 12, 2018 at 16:48:21: